Presentation and Discussion with Nordnet Bank

CEO Kristian Sorensen met Senior Equity Analyst Roger Berntsen Berntsen of Nordnet Bank AB in December 2023.


CEO  Kristian Sørensen met Senior Equity Analyst Roger Berntsen Berntsen of Nordnet Bank AB earlier this week on 13 December 2023. He gave a presentation on BW LPG, and answered questions from investors during a Q&A session thereafter.

Kristian spoke about BW LPG’s strong market position, why there is still an untapped market potential in spite of high rates, provided an update on the impact of Panama Canal on our trade, shared our strategy to grow along the LPG value chain, and explained why we are pursuing a dual-listing in the US. Watch a recording of his presentation and subsequent Q&A session here. The presentation and discussion is in Norwegian.

Date: 13 December 2023
Event: Nordnet TV
Venue: Online (Youtube Recording) – Norwegian

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