IT Management

Harnessing Technology

Purpose, Vision and Values at BW LPG

Digitisation and the appropriate use of technology and data have the potential to significantly enhance the efficiency, safety, and sustainability of our operational processes. At the same time, it can bring about new risks unfamiliar to the organisation. Building stable platforms, good governance and internal expertise is crucial for realising benefits and mitigating inherent technology risks. 

Building on previous implementation and initiatives, we continue to take steps to enhance capacity and ensure safe IT operations. Previous reviews indicated that the business possessed adequate cyber security knowledge, but highlighted gaps in internal stakeholders’ requirements and current IT capabilities. While these shortcomings can be considered largely closed, the in-house IT team will be expanded through 2024 to ensure governance, continuity, delivery capability and breadth of competence. 

We continue to optimise our IT infrastructure in our offices and enhancing digitization on board our vessels to support efficient operations. Starlink, a Low Earth Orbit satellite internet connectivity provider, was installed in 2023 to enhance internet connection for our crew at sea on our internally managed fleet. This enhances connectivity through significant periods of voyages and has been very well received by crew. 

IT Security Management

Our IT guidelines are continuously reinforced to protect our IT systems, applications and data from cybersecurity breaches, onshore and at sea. Ongoing reviews are conducted to improve our IT Security Management in compliance with the International Safety Management (ISM) Code. Current mitigation practices include cyber risk assessment and cyber security awareness training. 

Our IT Security Management encompasses the following: 

Account ManagementManagement of company and personal data, and operating system behaviour
Access ControlControlling access to internal and external systems and data transmission channels
Communications SystemsMonitor and block high risk connections
Development and MaintenanceDevelop systems according to IMO recommendations on maritime cyber risk management
External Threats ReviewIdentification of potential internal weaknesses through alerts management and early detection
Back-upMeasures and back-up restoration tools to minimise business disruptions in any event
User AwarenessActive training for users to be alert to phishing or suspicious emails and password protection