Labor and Human Rights Policy


The BW LPG Labor and Human Rights Policy is intended to communicate BW LPG’s standards on labour and human rights that employees and stakeholders are entitled to.

Policy Statement

BW LPG is committed to ensuring that BW LPG is not complicit in any human rights violations and that BW LPG holds our suppliers and partners to the same high standard.

BW LPG supports and respects the principles proclaimed in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and ensures that BW LPG is not complicit in any human rights abuses. In particular, BW LPG respects the labour and human rights of everyone impacted by our business activities.

All employees are treated respectfully and with dignity. Employees are fairly compensated for their efforts in accordance with standard industry practices.

BW LPG endorses the International Labour Organization (ILO) fundamental conventions. Our business activities are conducted based on respecting the following labour and human rights:

  • Freedom of association and the protection of right to collective bargaining: BW LPG does not hinder employees’ rights to form, join or not join a labour union, or other organisation of their choice and respects the right to collective bargaining in support of their mutual interests.
  • No forced or child labour: BW LPG prohibits any form of forced or child labour, including slavery and human trafficking.
  • No discrimination: BW LPG upholds a merit-based work environment and expressly prohibits discrimination in the workplace.
  • No harassment: BW LPG prohibits any engagement in harassment including status-based harassment or sexual harassment amongst others.
  • A safe and conducive workplace: BW LPG works to ensures that the workplace is a safe and conducive environment for everyone.

BW LPG has zero tolerance for any violation of labour and human rights. Any employee, including senior management, found to be in violation of this Policy will be subject to disciplinary action.