Whistleblowing Policy


The BW LPG Whistleblowing Policy is pertinent to the reporting of any illegal, immoral or non-compliant behaviour in BW LPG.

Policy Statement

Employees should speak up where they have concerns on breaches of ethics in BW LPG, with the reassurance of protection from reprisals or victimisation from reporting such concerns.

Concerns could include:

  • Unlawful activities.
  • Professional or ethical malpractices.
  • Concealing serious wrongdoings or malpractices.
  • Actions or activities that are not in line with a legal obligation or a BW LPG policy.
  • Actions that may pose a danger to the health and safety of any individual.
  • Actions that may pose a danger to the environment.
  • Personal data breaches.
  • Any other issue that may cause damage to property or to BW LPG’s reputation.

It is important to the business that employees feel comfortable and safe to raise a concern openly. No retaliation will be taken for raising any concern, questions or complaints in good faith and all reports of suspected violations will be treated confidentially.

In order to achieve this, BW LPG shall:

  • Provides internal whistleblowing channels and follow an approved investigation procedure upon receipt of any concern;
  • Makes every effort to protect the whistleblower’s identity; and
  • Engages an independent Compliance Provider to be our external hotline service provider.